
Friday, July 4, 2014

Fishing in the Spiral?

Recently, Wizard101 had announced that test realm is open for players with an active membership and crown players who have made a purchase of $6 or more in the last 30 days. 

The test realm included the new fishing in the spiral, extra energy, new housing items, and some other improvements, but I would like to mainly focus on fishing. :)

Here are some information about fishing:

  1. Catching a fish and when a fish escapes cost a small amount of energy
  2. Fish have schools just like how there are different type of wizards (Fire, Storm, Ice, Myth, Life, Balance, and Death)
  3. The fish you see in the pond is exclusive to you. That means no one else can catch the fishes you see. 
  4. You can scare the fish if you run too close to it.
  5. There are a variety of locations to go fishing (does not count underwater)!
Seems like fun! I was lucky enough to get on test realm and check the new feature out!

Here are some tips and hints:
  • Identify what school the fish you seek before you try to catch it!
  • Cast your orb at the direction the fishes are swimming toward!
  • Only click the space bar when the orb is below the water! (Usually the fish loves to nibble a bit and it looks like the orb will stay underwater but it won't! A sneaky trick I'll say.)
  • Have fun! 
  • You may be lucky and reel in a treasure chest instead. These contain items even wands from packs!
I really like the new feature since it adds something to do on Wizard101. Also, some of the fishes you'll need to use in order to craft some items.

(Looks funny!)

To learn more about test realm and its schedule click here!

What are your thoughts on the new feature? Do you like it? Comment! 

Until then, I'll be fishing when test realm is open again :D